Rust, Tan and Black Hat
Unknown creator and place of origin, ca. 1894.
Straw, black silk velvet ribbon, artificial flowers of natural plain weave fabric.
Human Ecology’s Clothing and Textiles Collection.
Donated by Mr. Grieve (1981.14.2).
Brown Long-Sleeved Bodice
Creator unknown, United States of America, South Dakota, ca. 1898.
Wool twill weave bodice, silk ribbon trim, and brown silk velvet collar.
Human Ecology’s Clothing and Textiles Collection.
Donated by Doris M. Watt (1985.13.6).
Tortoiseshell Folding Lorgnette
Unknown creator and place of origin, ca. 1835-1900.
Tortoiseshell frame and handle, metal rivet.
On loan courtesy of The Observatory Opticians and Jeri Ann Willis.
Mount and paper hair by Anne Bissonnette
Photograph by Anne Bissonnette©
Cite this page (bibliography):
Bissonnette, Anne, Cybil Cameron, Katelin Karbonik, Naomi Milne, Danielle Peel, and Donnalee Riley. “1981.14.2,” Eyewear: Fashion with Vision, Clothing and Textiles Collection Web site, Department of Human Ecology, University of Alberta, November 23, 2016. [INSERT URL].