Maroon and Gold Velvet Waistcoat and Breeches

Maroon and Gold Velvet Waistcoat and Breeches

Unknown creator, Ireland, mid-18th century.
Sheared and unsheared silk velvet.
Human Ecology’s Clothing and Textiles Collection.
Donated by Ms. D. Colvin-MacDormand (1995.1.1bc).

Worn with:
Reproduction White Linen Ruffled Shirt and Cravat
Meg Furler, Canada, Alberta, Edmonton, 2015.
Plain weave linen.
Items on loan courtesy of Meg Furler.

Reproduction Black Shoes with Metal Buckles
Meg Furler, Canada, Alberta, Edmonton, 2017.
Bounded polyester fabrics.
Anonymous loan.

Paper Hair by Meg Furler.


Photographs by Anne Bissonnette©

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Misfits: Bodies, Dress and Sustainability

Dr. Anne Bissonnette, Josée Chartrand, Meg Furler, Yara Sayegh, and Patricia Siferd co-curators.
April 12 to September 13, 2017

 This exhibition is part of the undergraduate course “Material Culture and Curatorship” (HECOL 668) in the Department of Human Ecology

Cite this page (bibliography):

Bissonnette, Anne, and Josée Chartrand, Meg Furler, Yara Sayegh, Patricia Siferd. “Bodice Pattern Grading.” Misfits: Bodies, Dress and Sustainability, Exhibitions, Clothing and Textiles Collection Web site, Department of Human Ecology, University of Alberta, April 12, 2017. [INSERT URL].