Contact Us

Anne Bissonnette

Dr. Anne Bissonnette, Curator

330 Human Ecology
Academic Profile

Donations, Questions & Research Appointments
Vlada Blinova, Collections Manager
103 Human Ecology
Phone: (780) 492-2528
Academic Profile

Location and Access
1-15 Human Ecology Building
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB T6G 2N1

The Anne Lambert Clothing and Textiles Collection can be accessed by students, faculty, researchers, and members of the public through exhibitions and tours. Visitors are welcome to come for self-guided exhibition viewings of the Human Ecology Gallery from Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. The gallery is located in the lobby of the Human Ecology building and is free to all.  Visitors must enter on the south end of the Human Ecology Building to access the Human Ecology Gallery and/or the Collection Storage entry.

Individual students, faculty members, and researchers who want to arrange for a research appointment to examine specific artifacts must contact the Collections Manager two weeks ahead of time.

“Behind the scene” tours of the Collection’s Storage to student groups are offered by appointment only and are subject to availability. Two months notice is required to arrange for Collection’s Storage tours for class visits for UofA students and senior high school students.

Please be advised that during the fall and winter terms we have a limited capacity to accommodate public tour requests and normally offer only one tour a month when possible. Public tours are provided on a first come first served basis and are subject of staff availability. Visiting groups from the public require a minimum of two (2) and maximum of eight (8) individuals per group. Please contact the Collections Manager to inquire about the availability of Collection’s Storage tours.