Natural Straw Boater Hat
Unknown creator, Canada, Toronto, ca. 1900-20.
Straw and black silk grosgrain ribbon.
Human Ecology’s Clothing and Textiles Collection.
Donated by Dr. (Betty) Elizabeth Crown (1973.10.9).
Black and Red Striped Sports Jacket
Unknown creator, Europe, England, ca. 1925.
Wool plain weave.
Human Ecology’s Clothing and Textiles Collection.
Donated by Gwen Legaarden (1987.17.1).
White Long-Sleeved Shirt
Arrow, Canada, ca. 1945.
Cotton plain weave.
Human Ecology’s Clothing and Textiles Collection.
Donated by Major R.C.W. Hooper (1975.16.10).
White Collar with Rounded Points
Arrow Cluett, Peabody & Co., Canada, ca. 1916.
Heavily starched cotton plain weave.
Human Ecology’s Clothing and Textiles Collection.
Donated by Pat McCormack (1996.30.10).
Black Bowtie
Unknown creator and place of origin, ca. 20th century.
Silk grosgrain.
Human Ecology’s Clothing and Textiles Collection.
Donated by Pat Bates (1990.30.10).
Yellow Rimmed Pince-Nez
Unknown creator and place of origin, ca. 1800-1920s.
Cellulose nitrate or plastic, and brass.
Human Ecology’s Clothing and Textiles Collection.
Donated by Bill Carmichael (2013.6.8).
Mount and paper hair by Anne Bissonnette
Photograph by Anne Bissonnette©
Cite this page (bibliography):
Bissonnette, Anne, Cybil Cameron, Katelin Karbonik, Naomi Milne, Danielle Peel, and Donnalee Riley. “1973.10.9,” Eyewear: Fashion with Vision, Clothing and Textiles Collection Web site, Department of Human Ecology, University of Alberta, November 23, 2016. [INSERT URL].